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The Valley End Way

A Caring, Christian, Learning Community

At Valley End, we aim to:

Ensure that our school is a caring, trusting learning community that is underpinned by Christian values and beliefs.

Welcome and value children and their families from all faiths, backgrounds and beliefs.


provide active and enjoyable learning opportunities, through practical, collaborative and personalised learning.

Achieve excellence by providing our children with a secure, safe, learning environment and the support to explore and grow in their knowledge of the world.

Develop our children’s understanding of Christianity by establishing an ethos and curriculum that informs them that God is all around, loves them and wants them to be the best they can be.

Equip our children with the skills, independence and values they need for lifelong learning and successful lives.

Encourage children to develop enquiring minds, self-confidence and self-discipline, whilst being aware of and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.

Develop children as individuals and British citizens, who are tolerant, forgiving, and thoughtful towards others.

Establish effective partnerships with parents to ensure the best learning outcomes for all pupils.