Pupil Premium Funding
The main barriers to educational achievement faced by our pupils eligible for Pupil Premium funding are lower confidence and self-esteem and lower speech, language and literacy skills.
The schools quality teaching and learning, and bespoke intervention groups aim to dispel these barriers to educational achievement for our pupil premium children.
Pupil Premium is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals, those whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces and those children who have been continuously looked after for more than six months. Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. However we are accountable for how we have used this additional funding.
We measure the impact of our pupil premium funding through our half termly and end of year progress and attainment data.
Half termly pupil progress meetings allow staff to discuss and develop the attainment and progress of pupil premium pupils and to plan future strategies to help them achieve.